Monday, April 4, 2011

Are the 45's Coming to Your Town?

Disappointed that the AC 45'S won't visit San Francisco. By next year everyone will be in their AC 72's! Cudo's to Plymouth! But, it is a bit of a stunner, condidering that Team Origin backed out of the next America's Cup and its CEO, Sir Keith Mills seemed to be critical of the GGYC's processes, including choice of yacht.
Also, it is ......a slap in the face for a lot of the actual challengers who could probably use a "world series" event in their country to generate enthusiasm.
It also smacks of payback that Cascais, Portugal is a site selection for the first round, even though its an excellent venue.
Where's San Francisco? They need to muster a multitude of public support, plus revenue to pull this off in 2 1/2 years. Certainly, Newport, RI doesn't need to "gut" Fort Adams to host a world class event? What about NYC, Rome or Asia? These announcements all seem to be a bit rushed, with little or no vetting process.

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